Response to Intervention

Response to Intervention (RtI) is a multi-tier approach to the early identification and support of students with learning and behavior needs. The RtI process begins with high-quality instruction and universal screening of all children in the general education classroom. Through this process, identified students are provided with intervention opportunities to accelerate growth. Progress monitoring efforts provide the data needed to identify a student’s positive or negative response to such interventions.

The District believes in a collaborative RtI process in which all stakeholders support student success. In order to meet this goal, each building establishes meetings so that when a student may not be responding to classroom instruction and progressing as expected, the student is referred to the problem solving team to discuss/plan intervention strategies. Parents are key members of this team and are encouraged to attend and collaborate with team members in order to best support the student. Collectively this team will create a personalized intervention plan which will ultimately help the student become more successful in the school setting. The plan will be reviewed and monitored on an ongoing basis until the team determines the student is able to perform without such supports or believes greater support is necessary.

Hiawatha CUSD #426 offers RtI to identified students through an established, consistent practice. Any adult or student can make a recommendation for a student to be considered for RtI. The District tiered process may include the following:

Tier 1: Hiawatha CUSD #426 Curriculum with Support through Instructional Practice within the Regular Classroom

  • Differentiation during any content area
  • Class Behavior Plan

Tier 2: Hiawatha CUSD #426 Curriculum plus More

  • Interventions in additional to the core curriculum
  • Push in or Pull Out
  • Individual Classroom Behavior Plan

Tier 3: Hiawatha CUSD #426 Replacement or Remediation Curriculum

  • Pull out during Core Instruction
  • Special Education
  • Intense Interventions
  • Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)