News, Upcoming Events, and Announcements
News, Upcoming Events, and Announcements
2024-2025 Online Registration is Open!
2024-2025 Online Registration is Open!
Online Registration is currently open. If you are a returning family you can find online registration when you log in as a parent in Teacherease, you'll see an announcement about Online Registration, but you can also find it under the Miscellaneous tab.
January 'Those Who Inspire' Award
Mrs. Donovan, Elementary/Jr High Counselor
Pictured is Mrs. Hoerchler, Mrs. Donovan,
and Mr. Poynter
January 'Those Who Inspire' Award
Mr. Dodson, Elementary/Jr High
Art Teacher
Pictured is Mr. Poynter, Mr. Dodson, Mrs. Hoerchler and the Eighth Grade Art class